28 April 2010

Sorry, it has been too long

I apologize, dear reader, for not posting as often as I would like, but big things are going on in the La Petite Tricoteuse household. The Captain and I have been in France for three months now. We are settled in, and are quite enjoying our time out here. I also am happy to report that La Petite Tricoteuse is getting a makeover. We have bought a domain name and I hope by the beginning of May www.lapetitetricoteuse.com will be live. I will keep you posted on the transition date. This current blog will remain open with a pointer to the new site for a bit. The new site will have knitwear patterns, cooking recipes, and techniques. I am really excited about this new endeavor. It will be much more structured and contain much more frequent posts on all sorts of topics. I hope to see you over there soon. Now to do more vector graphics for my logo. Here is a sneak peak of one of the images I have been working on for the new site. Do not ask how long the ostrich plumes took to freehand with Inkscape.


La petite tricoteuse © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina